✓ Frozen shoulder - Hydrodilatation
✓ Sub-acromial pain syndrome ("impingement")
✓ Acromio-clavicular joint (ACJ) arthritis/inflammation
✓ Shoulder arthritis
✓ Hip arthritis/inflammation
✓ Trochanteric bursitis (Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome)
✓ High hamstring tendinopathy
✓ Knee arthritis/inflammation
✓ Baker's cyst
✓ High Volume Injection (HVI) - Patellar tendinopathy
✓ Fat pad impingement
✓ De Quervain's Tenosynovitis (thumb-sided wrist pain)
✓ ECU Tenosynovitis (little finger sided tendon pain)
✓ Small joint arthritis - 1st CMC joint (base of the thumb)
✓ Trigger finger / Carpal tunnel syndrome
✓ Wrist ganglion
✓ Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint (DRUJ)
✓ Tennis elbow (caution with steroid use)
✓ Golfer's elbow (caution with steroid use)
✓ Elbow nerve entrapment - "cubital tunnel syndrome" & radial nerve hypersensitivity conditions
✓ Triceps & Biceps tendinopathy
✓ High Volume Injection (HVI) -
Achilles tendinopathy
✓ Ankle arthritis/impingement
✓ Plantar fasciitis (caution with steroid use)
✓ Morton's neuroma/intermetatarsal bursitis
✓ Midfoot/Forefoot arthritis
✓ Sesamoiditis
Find out how our team of experienced medical consultant doctors can help you to live more
comfortably and assist you on your journey to better health.